Apart from the core message handling processes EUCARIS has several background processes that run in their own pace and frequency. This page is an overview of all these processing.
EUCARIS Scheduled Tasks
Since EUCARIS Core SU-U31 release, all tasks are now implemented in the EUCARIS Task Scheduler, with the exception of the Automatic Configuration Update Task. The latter is (still) implemented using Windows Scheduled Tasks, but will be replaced by the EUCARIS Task Scheduler in a future update.
This page describes all scheduled tasks and their default schedules.
Windows Services for EUCARIS
EUCARIS has four processes running as Windows Services. The picture below shows these services.
- The EUCARIS BatchProcessor is used to process multi-request messages like CBEMultipleOHByRegNumAndDate. It checks every 60 seconds if there are messages to process and will then pick up the oldest message and process it. In the EUCARIS ManagementClient you can setup at what time the BatchProcessor is doing his job. This is described in detail in the “EUCARIS – Installation and Operation Manual.pdf” document, available on this site **.
- The EUCARIS Broker is used in the message processing for RESPER, ERRU and TACHO services where a central HUB at the EC is involved. The Broker translates messages, protocols and security between EUCARIS and EC HUB communication.
- The EUCARIS Delivery Service checks every 5 seconds if there is something to transfer in the Upload Queue and will transfer the available messages. This service is used for all asynchronous message processing in EUCARIS. The Delivery Service has a retry mechanism which assures delivery even when the recipient country is out of service for some time.
- The EUCARIS Task Scheduler is used to run repeating background tasks in EUCARIS. It has several built in tasks that are scheduled in different frequencies. More and more of the tasks currently scheduled in the Windows scheduler will move to the EUCARIS Task Scheduler in the future. You can see an overview of the tasks and their schedules in the Windows Eventlog when the Task Scheduler is started.
If you filter the Application eventlog on the source “EUCARIS Task Scheduler” you will see the messages every time a task is run.
There is also an extensive log of each task run state and result. Please refer to this page for more information.
Statistics collection
For several services in EUCARIS statistics are collected on a daily base. This done during the night and early in the morning. The following list is an overview of the services and collection triggers.
- For VHInfo, DLInfo and RESPER statistics we send a trigger from EUCOP every morning between 5:00 and 7:00.
- For CBE statistics you have to send the daily trigger as defined in the EUCARIS statistics manual
- The collection of Prum statistics is built in the EUCARIS TaskScheduler and is triggered by the EUCARIS scheduled tasks “LogCollectorDaily” and “LogCollectorMonthly“.