Latest version:, SU-CT131-3
Release date: March 11th, 2025
This update requires:
- an installation of EUCARIS release 7.0 (or higher) running on Windows server 2012/2016/2019 using Microsoft SQL Server (all vendor supported editions) or Oracle (all vendor supported editions)
Download the latest version
The Latest version of the Configuration Tool is distributed via System Updates (denoted as SU-CTxx), and can easily be installed by the current installed Configuration Tool (version 7.0.x.x or higher). A recent version of the Configuration Tool can also be obtained as installer by requesting this at EUCARIS Operations.
Change history
- Released: March 11th, 2025
- Resolved issue of not completing Configuration Update after installation of Service Extension
- Released: March 7th, 2025
- Service not available (503)
- General bugfixes
- Released: March 3rd, 2025
- Added functionality to support Base API / Transformer API installation (See SU-U71-8)
- General bugfixes
- Released: November 20th, 2024
- Added installation checks for .NET 8 + supported database version
- Fixed UI issues (resizing, progress bar)
- Released: September 16th, 2024
- Added “Download latest” button to System Updates View
- Performance fix
- Released: April 16th, 2024
- Added certificate start-/enddate in select certificate window
- Bugfixes
- Released: April 2nd, 2024
- Fixes for issue’s found in Initial Installer
- Bugfixes
- Released: February 12th, 2024
- Fixes for issue’s found in Initial Installer
- Bugfixes
- Released: March 15th, 2024
- Preparations for deploying ERRU3.0 and Blazor Web Client
- Bugfixes
- Released: January 22th, 2024
- Check for .NET Core 6.0 or higher at startup
- Check for supported Windows Server and database versions at startup
- Improved sorting of SU (numeric value)
- Improved check after installation, ignore config files.
- Released: December 14th, 2023
- Fixed error in check database
- Small changes/fixes
- Released: July 17th, 2023
- Bugfix “Invalid Algorithm error” on certificate signing
- Bugfix on version check in Wizard
- Released: February 21st, 2023
- Updated Oracle Client version to 21.9
- Added support for improved versioning for service extensions
- Released: January 31th, 2023
- Added TransformerService URL Configuration
- Bugfix IIS Report task for Oracle
- Resize screen “Reload latest CU” to make buttons visible on low resolution
- Bugfix load CU automatically
- Bugfix mssing dll warnings
- Released: December 1st, 2022
- Added TransformerService URL Configuration
- Bugfix IIS Report task for Oracle
- Resize screen “Reload latest CU” to make buttons visible on low resolution
- Bugfix load CU automatically
- Released: October20th, 2022
- Fixed crash in installer
- Released: September 6th, 2022
- Fix for Oracle language and user import
- Made exposable
- Released: July 4th, 2022
- Fix for check OS version at Unattended startup
- Released: June 22th, 2022
- New task Report IIS Usage
- Added Windows Server 2022 as supported OS in installer
- Added .NET 4.8 in .NET version check in installer
- Preparations made for Config Update v8
- Released: February 21th, 2022
- Improvements new installation of EUCARIS
- Released: November 16th, 2021
- Improvement: Automate web config settings
- Bug fix: Solved missing “Logviewer users” group
- Released: October 18th, 2021
- Initial install of SU-CT118-5 in combination with reinstall of SU-CT118-5 made the configuration of the configuration tool corrupt. This is fixed in this release and the initial installation has been been updated on Eucaris.Net.
- Released: September 21st, 2021
- Several bugfixes
- Released: August 20th, 2021
- Added missing Prodrive and Toll usergroups
- Saving configuration loses MessagService configuration in broker services configuration after latest Core install.
- An Undo will only undo appropiate XSD’s from the systemupdate
- Minor fixes
- Released: April 19th, 2021
- Check database function will now also test database connectivity using EntityFramework (introduced since SU-U40)
- Report Databaseversion information instead of only database type (Oracle or SQL-Server) after an installation
- Released March 4th, 2021
- Adaptations for broker:
- MessageService endpoint added
- Mileage endpoint added
- ProDrive endpoint added
- Released on December 11th 2020,
- Make system update state backup available for scheduling
- Released on November 24th 2020,
- Extended logging for installing SQL files
- New Task: Retrieve the browser type (User Agent) used to access the EUCARIS Web/management Clients
- Released on September 24th 2020,
- Adaptations needed for installing the redesigned logging
- Released on June 16th 2020,
- Added an option to negotiate domain credentials for user management
- Added CSV export to clipboard functionality for DiagnosticsReport (shift-click the Diagnostics button)
- Added feature for configuration of default queue purging
- Minor ui improvements of the Configuration Update window
- Fix version check for older Oracle versions ( < 18c)
- Released on April 24th 2020,
- Fixed WCF addressing outside configuration,
- Added HealthCenter functionality: Button for retrieving local Sytem diagnostics,
- Added (default) setting of local URL’s (including the URL for the diagnosticsRequest service).
- Released on March 17th 2020,
- Only specific updates can be exposed to a standalone web client. This can be set by Eucop.
- Released on March 3th 2020,
- Added functionality to change password for the EUCARIS service account in the EUCARIS App-pools and services.
- Added support for Windows 2019 + .Net 4.8 in the Configuration tool.
- Added functionality to delete IIS log for all Eucaris sites (excluding 7 most recent logfiles per site).
- Added functionality to show version database of Oracle or Sql-server.
- Released on December 9th 2019,
- Install of updates can stop and start multiple websites if applicable.
- Released on November 22nd 2019,
- Maximum allowed characters for a service account password has been increased to 40.
- Released on October 30th 2019,
- The Configuration Tool can expose updates to an internal Update Service when configured,
- Fixed occasionally start/stop issues of the website when installing Web Core and/or Web Extensions,
- Removed purging from the Configuration Tool
- Fixed small textual errors.
- Released on June 27th 2019,
- Improved detection of Windows server 2016,
- Added feature which enumerates all installed updates (hotfixes) on the OS in an analysis report,
- Set minimum supported framework version to 4.7.2 and OS to W2012R2 or higher for new installations,
- The Configuration Tool is now able to be used in web client only deployment scenario’s.
- Released on May 17th 2019,
- Fixed issue with SystemUpdate CreateVirtualDirectory action,
- Fix for Config Update Issue where the tool was unable to update ORACLE when an new country was inserted,
- Functionality added to remove redundant tasks which are replaced by the task scheduler,
- Added support for the Core AutoPurgeRetentionMonths functionality,
- Better handling for certificates that does not support RSA crypto service provider.
- Released on November 30th 2018.
- Added eventlog source for the new web client,
- Fixed issue with minimum update version, preventing from updating the configuration tool from a previous version.
- Released on November 18th 2018.
- Added AVI user group in user management,
- Added additional functionality to report the installed .Net version,
- Added support for .Net framework 4.7.2.
- Released on October 16th 2018.
- Changed CRL check on network analysis to reflect new PKI,
- Added check for maximum allowed TCP connections,
- Changed base update service url from eucarisii.update to eucaris.update,
- Improved readability of System Updates list,
- Several small fixes.
- Released on September 21st 2018.
- Performance improvements during execution of Configuration Updates
- Solved some dependency issues in System Updates
- Improved System Update User Experience (less dialogs, more automated)
- Fixed ServiceLog Lock issues on MSSQL during ServiceLog purging
- Added dialog when the broker is requested to (re)start while changes are pending (not saved).
- Several small fixes
- Released on July 9th 2018.
- Added multi-database feature to support both Oracle and MsSql database at the same time for Configuration- and System updates
- Added new network checks (Analyse network feature)
- Added purging feature for TACHO messages
- Fix for Select Certificate Window. Added check for certificates with an intended purpose which is not readable.
- Released on February 26th 2018.
- Fixed typo in Broker TACHO Request service (mistakenly says TACHO Response service in outbound configuration window)
- Released on February 16th 2018.
- Added feature to configure Client Certificates (2-way SSL) on outbound Broker connections,
- Improved certificate selection and configuration,
- Installer now allows framework versions up to 4.7.1,
- Installer now allows OS versions up to Windows 2016, IIS10.
- Released on December 6th 2017.
- Fix for the bug where Configuration Updates are not confirmed during the finalisation of the System Update.
- Added purging feature for RESPER statistics.
- Added features to facilitate the PKI migration to TESTA PKI.
- Released on November 8th 2017,
- Added the current (detected) .Net framework version in the advanced analysis window and Analysis Report.
- Fixed issue with the tool not always starting with elevated privileges. The tool now explicitly requests elevated privileges when required, depending on the UAC settings of the operating system.
- Fixed the issue “The chain context is invalid” during Configuration- & System Updates while Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.2 or higher is installed on the server.
- Released on October 26th 2017
- Fixed crash when certficates are not found in task “Configure SSL bindings”
- Added more descriptive reason when file and/or directory comparing fails during a system update.
- Fixed some typos
- Changed the post-validate of the AddFile, so that if the action was initial-only, it only checks for the existence of the file (in order to ignore changes made by the Configuration Update as last action in the System Update).
- Released on July 25th 2017
- (wi1352) Improved eventlog messages from EUCARIS applications:
- The following EUCARIS components now report eventlog entries using dedicates source names:
- “EUCARIS” (All EUCARIS Core, Extension and Web client entries)
- “EUCARIS Task Scheduler”
- “EUCARIS Batch Processor”
- “EUCARIS Delivery Service”
- Added feature and configuration screen for additional (debug) logging for each EUCARIS component to File or Eventlog,
- The following EUCARIS components now report eventlog entries using dedicates source names:
- (cs3179) Added possibility to define a FinaliseSqlScript in the app.config file which will be executed as last action during a configuration update,
- (cs3215) Improved configuration analysis and the reporting of installed and active System Updates,
- (bug 1380) Fixed the feature to detect the currrent version of the hosting Operating System (the tool could not detect Windows 2008R2 or higher),
- (wi 234) Added support for specific Health Centre components.
- Released on March 16th 2017
- (wi1275) By default, an EUCARIS installation requires the W3C file logging feature in Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) to be enabled for diagnostics purposes. The W3C logging will now be utilized for the EUCARIS Health Centre, and in order to collect data for the EUCARIS Health Centre it is important that the data is available and consistent between EUCARIS instances. The latest release of the Configuration Tool (SU-CT96 and higher) ensures harmonisation of the IIS log for all EUCARIS instances. For more information on this feature, please review the following knowledge base link:
- (wi1250) An EUCARIS instance is updated using the EUCARIS System Updates which are stored in the [EUCARIS application root folder]\System Updates folder. Each folder contains the update package, the extracted package, update information and state as well as a file backup of each file this update has replaced or changed. In time, this folder will grow with the number of updates received and installed. This will decrease the available space available but also increase the time required for new updates to be installed, since installing an update will trigger an emergency backup to be made. This emergency backup is a snapshot of the complete EUCARIS application, including all updates installed. The latest release of the Configuration Tool (SU-CT96 and higher) cleans the System Update folder, and only retains the current active System update and any previous version of this update. All older updates are removed. This process is triggered each time the System Administrator requests new updates from EUCARIS Operations using the EUCARIS Configuration tool in System Update mode. Please note that this process will take a few minutes the first time it is invoked, depending on the total size of the System Updates folder. The Configuration Tool will append a record in the Windows Application Event Log containing the removed (and thus obsolete) System Update files. A typical System Update folder contains a maximum of about 300Mbytes of data with all EUCARIS extensions installed.
- (wi1282) Added feature to create Windows Scheduled Tasks for the EUCARIS Prüm Log Collector processes
- (cs2613) Fixed issue where an empty offline update index could cause unwanted cleaning of the local index and system update folder
- Improved System Update [restarting services].
- Added possibility for System Updates to copy files to the default EUCARIS temporary folder (by default: C:\ProgramData\Eucaris\Temporary files)
- Added possibility to rewrite the country URL for all countries that are in the collection of UrlProxyPrefixCountryException
- Removed all functions that required IIS6 metabase compatibility
- Fixed the problem where the last step (finalizing) in the wizard reported an error when checking and setting-up services. The setting-up of services require the .\ prefix for the username (identity) when it wants to set-up a local user.
- Removed the redundant RestartAll from the finalizing procedure.
- Fixed bug where the configuration for the local Service MessageVersionRequest was set to not use the generic service interface.
- Configuration is now able to manage multiple instances of ECUARIS v7.0 on the same machine,
- Added console interface for controlling EUCARIS Configuration via command line,
- Added remote console interface for administering multiple EUCARIS instances in the same domain.
- Fix for missing bindingConfiguration in the (newly created) endpoint for clustering,
- Greatly improved the managing of the EUCARIS Windows and web services for both the manual and system update,
- Added Update.UrlProxyPrefixCountryException switch in the app.config to support the specific NL <> EUCOP exception,
- Added fix to ensure that the actions EnableService, EnableWebsite, DisableService, DisableWebsite are ignored if the EUCARIS services are managed by the configuration tool,
- Improved implementation of CreateVirtualDirectory in System Update Definitions,
- Added the new Service Manager window for the Restart Services after Configuration Update and Saving of new configuration,
- Added ability to disable the EUCARIS Broker,
- Added better error message when creating Scheduled Tasks failed due to security policy. Also creates Tasks with highest privileges now,
- Removed the (domain) prefix in the EUCARIS service username when the user is a local user.
- Fixed bug 547 where default logging was not set properly anymore.
- Added support for EUCARIS release 7.0,
- Improved URL Configuration for public and internal services,
- Introduced the ‘Offline’ configuration, where the system is assumed to be offline and should receive its updates via file.