Latest version :, SU-U71-13
Release date: March 20th, 2025
The core components of EUCARIS contains the generic core functionalities, and these are deployed by EUCARIS System Updates. General information about System Updates can be found here.
This update contains all changes of previous Core updates (SU-Ux).
This update requires:
- an installation of EUCARIS release 7.0 (or higher) running on Windows server 2012/2016/2019 using Microsoft SQL Server (all vendor supported editions) or Oracle (all vendor supported editions)
- .Net version 4.7.2
- the latest version of the EUCARIS Configuration tool installed on the EUCARIS server.
Upgrade notes
- No specific upgrade notes for this release.
Known Issues
Below enlists the known issues of this release which the team is currently working on, or will be fixed in a next release.
- No known issues in this release.
This update contains the database scripts of all previous core updates and these scripts are only executed if any previous released scripts were not executed prior to this update. The database scripts consists of Data Definition Language (DDL) instructions. Please make sure that the current configured database user (in the configuration tool) has sufficient rights to execute DDL scripts. Otherwise choose to manually execute these database scripts.
This update contains the most recent XSDs which comply with the latest specifications.
To install this update a working EUCARIS release (minimum) connected to sTESTA and the latest Configuration Tool installed on the EUCARIS server is required. EUCARIS Core System Updates are cumulative, meaning that it is not necessary to install any of the previous Core System Updates. Previous installed Core System Updates don’t have to be uninstalled. For more information about EUCARIS System Updates, please refer to: An installation of a System Update can normally be performed within 15 minutes.
The installation process is described in detail in the “EUCARIS – Installation and Operation Manual.pdf” document, available on this site.
This update automatically checks for the latest available Configuration Update. If there is a new Configuration Update available, it will be downloaded and installed. If no newer Configuration Update is available, the latest downloaded Configuration Update is re-applied to assure the correct configuration for this new extension.
Detailed configuration instructions can be found in the Installation and Operation manual.
Change History
- Improved performance statistics query
- Improved retrieval of activities
- Added NumberOfAxles to NSVData response message
- fixed SQL compatibility for SQL Server 2014 and older to resolve issues with adding Endpoint Usages
- fixed CBE statistics bug
- In a multi-server setup EUCARIS sends the message sometimes more than once
- Delivery service errors
- Async forwarding error
- Introduced Base and Transformer API. This does not change the functionality, however a configuration adjustment will be installed to access the new API’s
- StatisticsCollector V8 Toll
- V8 Autorisations Phase 3
- Vehicle XSD; VehicleHolderDataType contains a choice between optional elements
- Bugfixes
-, Release date: June 28th, 2024
- Hotfix for Oracle installation issues
-, Release date: June 21th, 2024
- Hotfix for Oracle installation issues
- Hotfix for the Transformer service
-, Release date: June 17th, 2024
- Hotfix for Oracle installation issues
-, Release date: June 11th, 2024
- Broker improvements
- Performance fixes
- Preparations new authorisation model
- Bugfixes
-, Released: April 16th, 2024
- Updated Broker Translations to meet updated EC MoveHub XSD’s (version 3.3)
- Added new messageservice for Statistics
- Bugfixes
-, Released: April 2nd, 2024
- Added ERRU3.0 to EUCARIS Broker
- Added search Any Text in Search Workflows
- Improved logging Public Services
-, Released: March 7th, 2024
- ERRU3 prework
- Added NYSIIS generation to CGR request message
- Envelope Validation Rule InvalidSenderRecipientCombination missing, fixed.
- Extended MessageRetrievalservice
- Added Index search on ExternalMessageId
- Added Messagetype to output Index method
- Added Workflowdata to output Index method
-, Released: February 12th, 2024
- Improved Workflow Purge query
- Do not expose exception details core2core (e.g.. Base was not initialized)
- Bugfix matching percentage calculation
- Small bugfixes
-, Released: January 22th, 2024
- Phase out old Webclient (see also
- Phase out old ManagementClient
- Fix improved delivery services retries
- Small changes/fixes
-, Released: December 21th, 2023
- Hotfix, dual server Eucaris installation with a delivery service on each server are likely to sometimes pickup same file.
-, Released: December 18th, 2023
- Hotfix for Prum statistics task
-, Released: December 14th, 2023
- Added Toll 2.0 functionality
- Added Erru 3.0 functionality
- v8 XSD’s moved from file to database.
- v8 XSD versioning implemented
- Improve retry pattern of DeliveryService
- Fix for: Eucaris.Base not initialized message at start up taskscheduler
- Fix for : Eventlog service or capabilities for service xxx not installed or configured
- Fix for: Authorisation of Countries: page cannot be loaded
- Fix for: Servicelog cannot be filtered
- Small changes/fixes
-, Released: November 16th, 2023
- Bugfix Create Statistics in old ManagementClient
- Several bugfixes releated to the WebClient bugfixes
-, Released: October 13th, 2023
- Hotfix for code translation in Transformerservice. Error was given when multiple instances within 1 country had inbound authorisation for same service.
-, Released: October 9th, 2023
- Fixed country code translation in Transformerservice
- NSV2AVI translation blocks status stolen/exported
- Several minor bugfixes
-, Released: July 17th, 2023
- Statistics functionality for Toll-EETS added
- Improved interpretations of Negative Acknowledgements (NACK), no retry mechanism in all cases
- Bugfix on the signing of NACK’s
-, Released: June 26th, 2023
- Added v8 support for VH Notification
- Added 2 new tasks which purges v8 workflows and activities when the retention period has expired
-, Released: April 20th, 2023
- Added the “InExchange” invalidation reason in the RESPER NDLS translation between v8 and v7 in the transformer service
- Bugfix in EUCARIS Broker for RESPER GDLD to EC MoveHub: CategoryFreeFormatRemark is limited to 50 characters in messages to the EC MoveHub
- Empty SOAP Responses are now interpreted as a valid Acknowledgement
-, Released: March 21th, 2023
- Authentication of V8 extended with check on CommonName
- Added service execution reason 3 and 5 for all message services for monitoring purposes
- InitiatingDateTime of a workflow is based on the CreationDateTime instead of the IntitiatingDateTime in the initiating EucarisEnvelope
- Bugfix RESPER2.0 v8 to v7 NDLS translation: BusinessCase is used as FileName (instead of GUID) in v7 FileTransferService content
- ActivityManagementService: CoreWorkflowId added to ActivityMetaData
-, Released: February 21th, 2023
- Updated Oracle Client version to 21.9
- Bugfix EU matching logic RESPER
-, Released: January 31th, 2023
- Added TransformerService to EUCARIS Core
- Added translation RESPER1.0 <-> RESPER2.0 in TransformerService
- Added translation NSVData -> AVI in TransformerService
- Added RESPER2.0 CarbonCopy to EC MoveHub functionality
- Bugfix “Sender should be local”
- Bugfix Raw content logging
- Increase Thread pool for parallel processing
- Bugfix on https and Windows Integrated Security
- Adjustments for Secure Message exchange with EC MoveHub
-, Released: December 1st, 2022
- Bug-fix Windows Integrated Security on Generic Async Service
-, Released: November 7th, 2022
- RESPER Secure Message bug-fix
-, Released: October 5th, 2022
- Endpoint implementation Eucaris Base
- Endpoint Migration Script voor Toll en ProDriveNet
- Apply Config Update v8 (Endpoints and Usages)
- Bugfix DrivingLicence.xsd DLCategoryHarmCommCode
- EucarisEnvelope.xsd extended with optional signature
-, Released: July 19th, 2022 – on the Acceptance environment only
- Added functionality for processing Endpoint Configuration Updates
- Endpoint Implementation Eucaris Base
- Endpoint Migration Script for Toll and ProDriveNet
- Added code attributes for RESPER plugin
- Bugfix DrivingLicence.xsd DLCategoryHarmCommCode
- Added messageservice NSVData 2.0
-, Released: May 30th, 2022
- Bugfix not correctly populated RecipientMemberStates in SecureMessage
- Added translation from ISO2 to EUCARIS country codes in internal services
-, Released: April 28th, 2022
- Added support to EUCARIS Core for Secure Messages
- Added Secure Message functionality to MessageRetrievalService
- Added and updated new Sender Organisation Descriptions
-, Released: April 6th, 2022
- Added EURO VI E to exhaust emission for Toll
- Bugfix in scheduling of batchprocessor
- No restart required after adding a batchprocessor schedule, as the batchprocessor configuration will be reloaded every 30 minutes.
-, Released: February 21th, 2022
- Breaking Toll change: multiple vehicles with same registration number possible in response message: Added XSD support for multiple VehOwnerHolderReply.
- This means that multiple VehOwnerHolderReply could be responded. If the latest EUCARIS Core isn’t installed, it could cause that response messages are rejected by your EUCARIS, as the current XSD doesn’t support multiple VehOwnerHolderReply.
- Please install the latest EUCARIS web client Core (SU-WU-14) in order for the default EUCARIS web client to handle this response message.
- Added ODOCAR (Mileage) CC functionality to EC Movehub for statistical purposes
- Bugfix: return correct prioritycode messageservice after processing with EUCARIS BatchProcessor
- Bugfix: DiagnosticsCollectIisVolume task can handle URI > 100 characters long from now
- Bugfix: Adjusted query to prevent deadlock on Download Queue
- Added Liechtenstein (FL2) to participant table
- Bugfix: Improved query for StatisticsPurge
-, Released: January 6th, 2022
- Added Keep Alive functionality to support Oracle databases
- Added MessageService functionality in preparation of RESPER2.0
-, Released: November 16th, 2021
- Performance fix: supporting large workflows (VATHitNoHit batch issue)
- Bug fix: interrupted schedule after restart TaskScheduler
-, Released: October 4th, 2021
- Added Health Centre task to collect Task Scheduler results (daily) + Task Scheduler Performance Statistics (weekly)
- Added Error Code coded attributes
- Added support to detect timeout on delivery
- Message attribute CreationDateTime: UTC fix
- MessageService: EucarisEnvelopes created by Eucaris have an CreationDateTime element in each Message.
- Datamodel adaptations:
- Versioning added to the MessageService tables
- MessageServiceGroup table added
- Endpoint related tables added
- ParticipantId and CommunicationContext columns added to Activity table
- Rename of the following columns:
- Envelope_Id to EnvelopeId
- Message_Id to MessageId
- Workflow_Id to WorkflowId
- Message_Id to MessageId
- MessageTypeVersion_Id to MessageTypeVersionId
- MessageType_Id to MessageTypeId
- Workflow_Id to WorkflowId
-, Released: July 6th, 2021
- Fixed bug in Task Scheduler
- Released: June 22nd, 2021
- Async handling of enveloped messages is added to:
- Delivery Service
- Batchprocessor
- MessageService adds async enveloped messages to upload queue / download queue
- New webservice Message Retrieval Service
- Released: April 19th,2021
- Removed Error Status Code NotAvailable for Eucaris to Hub communication
- Released: March 4th, 2021
- Extended with broadcast functionality used for IssuedCPC
- Management interface extended with ParticipantService
- Broker extended with MessageService support
- Bug fixed in QueuePurgeTask
- Released: January 18th 2021
- Preparation for the IssuedCPC Messageservice
- Validation of incoming Eucaris Envelopes is added to the MessageService
- Error handling is added to the MessageService
- Tracing of events / errors to a file can be configured in the file with two new settings:
- Eucaris.Base.TraceFileEnabled: Enable or disable tracing to a file. Initial value is false.
- Eucaris.Base.TraceDebugEnabled: Sets the level of tracing to a file to Debug. Initial value is false.
- Fixed bug in Downloads Administration, the search results now show files with ProcessStatus = Null
- Added feature in Downloads Administration, it is now possible to search on the ProcessStatus in the Download Queue
- Removed country code “AN” from country list, it’s not an official ISO code anymore
- Released: December 11th 2020
- Task scheduler monthly scheduler sometime calculates wrong next month date
- Task Scheduler fires too many tasks during DST change day (summer to winter time)
- Make system update state backup available for scheduling
- Removed Indes.Core.Data.Sql.QueryCollection-EUCOP from deployment and from deployment location.
- Remove the feature of allowing the Certificate CN be different than the https URL
- Released: November 5th 2020
- The Eucaris Core is extended with a new webservice called MessageService.
This MessageService is developed to handle the processing of messages packed in the EucarisEnvelope. Currently this applies to Toll related messages only (but in the future support for other services will be added). The MessageService is still under development. It now contains the happy flow for synchronous message exchange, but validations and error handling is not fully implemented. The MessageService in this release is not meant for production yet. It is meant to be used for testing in the acceptance environment. Complete error handling as well as asynchronous processing will be added in future releases - The previous release of Eucaris.Core introduced a NullReferenceException bug that occurred sometimes with the exchange of asynchronous messages. This bug is fixed in this new release.
- Released: October 27th 2020
- Introduced some new types in shared XSD, to be used by upcoming plugin releases
- Fixed bug in SQL scripts where Base initial scripts failed on setting grants on table names with underscores
- Predefined SYSTEM_ERROR_008 fails fixed.
- Released: October 7th 2020
Oracle problems solved when reading ServiceLog
Bug fixed with Predefined Messages
- Ms Sql-server fix : Remove ‘use eucaris’ to allow different db names
- Released: September 24th 2020.
- Introduction of new logging tables
- Possibility to (also) log VAT messages in new enveloped format in new logging tables
- Improvements for statistics collection for RESPER and AVI
- Task Statistics Purge Timeout fix
- When AVI statistics are generated , there are time outs from other processes in the eventlog fix
- Improvement of retrieval of diagnostic requests in Health Center
- MessageQueue does not have the proper indexes on the Oracle Table fix
- ExtendedClientLogic
- GetRegisteredServiceRights fails on serialization fix
- Released: August 11th 2020.
- ExtendedClientLogic, GetRegisteredServiceRights fails on serialization fix
- MessageQueue does not have the proper indexes on the Oracle Table fix
- Task Statistics Purge Timeout fix
- When AVI statistics are generated, there are time outs from other processes in the eventlog fix
- Released: June 23rd 2020.
- Implement throttling for unsent files in the upload queue. The delivery service now only processes a maximum number of items per run. Default is 50, but the value is configurable.
- Implemented Health Center feature to automatically upload the latest available Report to a specific monitoring endpoint / application.
- The delivery service is now made more robust to protect against unexpected shutdowns and preventing messages to be left in an incorrect state.
- Fixes several Oracle create and undo script issues which may occur after a (clean) installation of (some) EUCARIS core or extensions.
- The Health Center Diagnostics IIS Collection is made more robust after finding some issues in some member states.
- Released: April 24th 2020.
- This first release of the Health Center contains the important fundamentals on which we are continuously going to build new reporting functionalities. In this first release we have also included the daily monitoring of the EUCARIS Asynchronous messaging queues (up- and download queues). Subsequent releases will contain new area’s the health center will monitor.The output of the Health Center can be used as input for popular dashboarding systems like Zabbix, SquaredUp, PRTG, MRTG, Cacti, Elastic and so on. With the Health Centre as data source, dashboards can be created to monitor the EUCARIS system’s performance and health, and diagnose potential problems. Furthermore, it will be possible to let the Health Centre alert a system administrator if certain events occur (e.g. if the server activity, data flow or disk usage rises above a certain threshold level).The following knowledge-base page on our web site contains more information on the Health Center, its output and how to retrieve the information from the Health Center: the further implementation and feedback we receive we will be continuously updating this page with new information.
- Released: March 12th 2020.
- Added VHOHParking to VHOH translation for non generic legacy. Upgrade only applicable for a limited number of countries, but won’t do harm otherwise.
- Released: March 12th 2020.
- Memory leak fix for a very specific broker translation (AVI <-> VHOH). Upgrade only applicable for a limited number of countries, but won’t do harm otherwise.
- Released: January 28th 2020.
- Fixed bug related to SenderName column in download queue table in Oracle DB,
- Several small fixes and improvements.
- Released: January 6th 2020.
- Added support for the VAT-All related services,
- Several small fixes and improvements.
- Released: December 16th 2019.
- Fixed backward compatibility issue with GenericAsyncService interface
- Released: December 3rd 2019.
- Fixed TaskScheduler with LogCollectorMonthly task where the task was not executed in December
- Released: November 22nd 2019.
- QueuePurging now skips files which have process status 3 (failed),
- File Transfer Delivery service now includes more information in the Windows Eventlog when connection failures occures,
- Fixed an issue in the IIS collection process where the task would fail on an URL longer than 100 characters,
- Fixed small LogCollector task issues and improved logging,
- Fixed memory leak in the Broker,
- Added support for UserProfile timezones,
- Added support for SenderName in the Download Queue,
- Several small fixes and improvements.
- Released: September 20th 2019.
- Fix in the EUCARIS Task Scheduler where task are scheduled the period ahead, possibly skipping one trigger which should have occurred in the current period.
- Several small fixes.
- Released: August 20th 2019.
- Optimized purging servicelog for MSSQL.
- Released: July 22nd 2019.
- Fix for the not correct functioning ClientLogic Service operation: GetRegisteredServiceRights,
- EUCARIS Task Scheduler’s tuning: Adapted the EUCARIS Task Scheduler’s watchdog.
- Released: July 16th 2019.
- EUCARIS Task Scheduler’s tuning: Added purge query timeout to better manage long running tasks
- EUCARIS Task Scheduler’s tuning: Changed the default PurgeMaxMessagesPerQuery to 5000
- Released: July 9th 2019.
- The StatisticsPurge task is not removing the correct set of statistics when using MSSQL. Fixed in SU-U31-2.
- Released: July 8th 2019.
- Newly creates tasks are in some circumstances not initialized properly. Fixed in SU-U31-1.
- Released: June 27th 2019.
- Added new EUCARIS Scheduled Tasks feature which is able to execute several functional, operational and housekeeping tasks required for currect operation of EUCARIS. For more details on EUCARIS Scheduled Task, please refer to this page for more information.
- Service Log Purging is now performed by default and automatically by the ServiceLogPurge task of the EUCARIS Task Scheduler. This task will delete all messages which are older than the agreed retention period. EUCARIS will use a default of 12 months retention if no retention period is explicitly agreed upon. More information on the Service Log purging can be found on this page.
Member states need to take additional actions if they require to retain the messages longer than the configured/agreed retention period in EUCARIS. Please contact EUCARIS Operations if you require more information. - Minor improvements and fixes
- Upgrade notes:
- In order to optimize the ServiceLog purging we have added an additional index on this table. Because the potential size of this table, the update might take tenths of minutes ranging to an hour or more depending on the size of the table and performance of your database server. Please take this into account before staring this update!
- After installation of SU-U31 you have to remove any previously configured Windows Scheduled Task. Please start the Configuration Tool in advanced mode, and navigate to menu > Task > Purge service logs. Then click “Remove redundand tasks”. This will remove any Windows Scheduled task that is now being replaced by the EUCARIS Scheduled Tasks feature.
- Released: January 30th 2019.
- Asynchronous broadcast (MCI) adapted: If no recipient country table, the message is sent to all authorized countries except the sender
- Fixed update script for initial installations
- More generic functionality for web client translations
- Minor improvements and fixes
- Released: December 13th 2018.
- Fixed an issue where -in some circumstances- the management client was unable to persist changes made in the services configuration screen.
- Released: November 30th 2018.
- Added support for AVI statistics and reporting in the Management client,
- Added simple type definitions for AVI,
- Added support for the management web client extension (new web client),
- Added support for message signing to legacy systems.
- Released: October 16th 2018.
- Added option to stop forwarding IVINotifications to the local country
- Added additional check for maximum TCP connections allowed by application
- Added the feature of specific timeouts per message type in the Broker Core. The HUB will always reply within a fixed timeout period but in loadbalancing situations it can take some time before the response message from the hub reached the right Broker.
- Fix: Statistics report check for completeness did not work over two different years
- Released: September 21st 2018.
- Fixed database table ServiceLog lock issues on MSSQL during statistics collection and Management Client Search Logging feature.
- Released: July 16th 2018
- Improved error handling for TACHO exchanges
- Fill FileTransfer FileName attribute with BusinessCaseId if available
- Only send an ACK (or http-accept) once the message is stored in the download queue for all asynchronous messages delivered by broker
- Fix for triggering RESPER statistics (feature used by EUCOP)
- Support for ERRU 2.4 & RSI exchanges
- Released: May 14th 2018
- XSD definitions for ERRU2.0 simpletypes added
- Released: April 16th 2018
- Added feature to support inbound traffic for satellite countries (synchronous, asynchronous and batch processing),
- Fixed issue where message aggregation fails if the first requested/responding country in a MCI request fails to return a message. This issue only applies for RESPER MCI.
- Improved message signature validation process and validation failure reporting in the Windows Application event logging.
- Released: March 29th 2018
- Added reporting functionality for additional fields in the CBE report.
- Released: February 19th 2018
- Added feature to enforce uniqueness and correctness of a MessageId introduced to the system by clients or legacy services. This feature can be enabled per service based. The RESPER extension SU-E108 is the first extension using this feature.
- Added feature to write the transport-state of each failed message into the ServiceLog. This feature benefits the correctness of the statistics produced by EUCARIS.
- Released: December 6th 2017
- Added support for the new vehicle signals. For more information regarding the new Vehicle Signals, please refer to this knowledge-base article regarding vehicle signals.
- Moved specific types from SimpleTypesDefinition.xsd for VHInfo, DLInfo, Prum, VHOH, eCall and Mileage from the core into the respective extension type. For more information regarding the policy change on simple types, please refer to this knowledge-base article.
- Fixed an issue with the registration of a com component during installation of the core,
- Cleaning up old and deprecated XSDs
- Fixed other minor issues.
- Released: November 17th 2017
- Fixed an issue with RESPER statistics where double-byte (diacritical) characters in a message could cause issues with maximum fields lengths.
- Released: November 2nd 2017
- Minor changes to optimally support RESPER statistics.
- Released: July 25th 2017
- Added features to support the EUCARIS health centre (1st phase),
- Added feature to review the status of a received requests which is processed by the Batch Processor,
- Improved the Search Logging functionality in the Management Client,
- Improved eventlog messages from EUCARIS applications:
- The following EUCARIS components now report eventlog entries using dedicates source names:
- “EUCARIS” (All EUCARIS Core, Extension and Web client entries)
- “EUCARIS Task Scheduler”
- “EUCARIS Batch Processor”
- “EUCARIS Delivery Service”
- The following EUCARIS components now report eventlog entries using dedicates source names:
- Improved the shutdown and restart of the Batch Processor Windows Service,
- Improved initial start-up eventlog entries for the EUCARIS components,
- bug fix: Task Scheduler tasks are now started on specific times in stead of on the start of the Windows Service.
- Released: June 6th 2017
- Added features to support synchronous TACHO v1.5 and TACHO v3.0 processes.
- Released: April 13th 2017
- •Added features to support TACHO 3.0 processes implemented in the TACHO extension.
- Released: March 16th 2017
- Added TACHO 3.0 messages to the Log Viewer (management client),
- The EUCARIS Log Collector (required for collecting Prüm statistics) is now an integral part of the EUCARIS Core. Installatiuon and configuration is described in document “EUCARIS Statistics – manual.pdf”, version 1.3. Participating member states will be contacted separately regarding this feature,
- Improved performance when storing asynchronous messages in the local queue,
- Improved error messages when local services are not correctly configured,
- Predefined responses (responses created by EUCARIS due to an error) are now logged in the ServiceLog table for all services,
- Solved the issue that in some occasions EUCARIS was reporting database table deadlocks when accessing the File Transfer Download Queue,
- Fixed error handling for EUCARIS Broker late responses that could not be delivered to EUCARIS. Undeliverable late responses are now added to the Error Queue,
- Fixed the issue where Service Message Version Requests were sent to member states that did not host the requested service (EUCARIS connected member states where ERRU or RESPER services are delivered via the EC Central Hub).
- Released: December 1st 2016
- Fixed issue where the configured Malware Scan Directory could not contain a whitespace.
- Released: November 30th 2016
- Added feature to enable malware scanning of attachments. Currently the Salzburg and RESPER extensions are able to use this option.
- Released: November 17th 2016
- Added possibility to configure a specific Sender Name per web client user, to prevent exposing network-, domain- or user information to other member states and/or other organisations,
- Several improvements regarding statistics and logging,
- Fixed threading issue in the EUCARIS Broker, causing issues in very specific scenarios,
- Fixed issue when the EUCARIS Broker extended logging was enabled.
- Released: September 26th 2016
- ERRU-, RESPER- and Salzburg acknowledgement messages fix.
- Released: September 13th 2016
- Added support for the latest ERRU, Salzburg and VHInfo extensions,
- Added support for RESPER statistics,
- Added functionality to prevent sending of asynchronous messages if the receiving member state does not support requested version, and the service does not support a downgrade (required for ERRU infringements where no downgrade is possible),
- Added functionality to override the Message Version request. Required for services not handled by EUCARIS (like EC’s Central Hub),
- Several minor fixes.
- Released: June 30th 2016
- Added support for Salzburg plugin.
- Fixed filename generation based on case id in GenericAsyncService and FileTransferService.
- Released: June 23rd 2016
- Core now supports ACK/NACKs embedded in File Transfer Delivery notices, optimizing the asynchronous processes like ERRU and RESPER.
- Fixed rewriting of URLs in SSL Termination scenario in the html sources dependent on whether there are ajax libraries are found.
- Added CountryCode for Kosovo (XD) in the SimpleTypes, Iso3166Alpha2CountryCodesType.
- Added support for VHOH Parking.
- Released: April 12th 2016
- This updates fixes an issue that has been raised in the ERRU statistics process. This issue is solved in both SU-U18-2 EUCARIS Core & SU-E74-2 ERRU extension.
- Detailed information: In the current situation the EUCARIS Broker receives an ACK from the Central HUB, and gives an immediate HTTP OK. Subsequently it happened that the ACK could not be saved in EUCARIS, because the EUCARIS database was down (or any other reason), resulting in a retry of the same statistical records in a retry. The Central HUB does not accept this dataset because they already had received and processed them. Instead of an ACK the request to the Central HUB results in a NACK and this resulting in a process loop. This update contains a fix for this behavior.
- Released: March 24th 2016
- Management client: Client Certificate Thumbprint was not always enabled. Fixed,
- Fixed bug in web clients when EUCARIS is installed on the same server as the domain controller,
- Fixed logging for LogType 2 and 4 flow in the EUCARIS Delivery Service,
- Fixed ResponseResult not filled in ServiceLog.
- Released: Februari 25th 2016
- Added HR as country in the generic Web Client components,
- [Statistics] Fixed issue where some database connections were not properly closed during report creation,
- [Statistics] Fixes issue where the CBE statistics process was not initialised correctly.
- Released: Februari 18th 2016
- Initial EUCARIS 7.0 release
- Major rework on codebase and development environments.
- Functionally identical to EUCARIS Core update SU-U16-5