In order to respond to requests from other Member States, an endpoint of the local data service, which handles the requests and sends responses needs to be configured.


An endpoint needs to be created with the following values:

Name Unique name of the endpoint
Application category 3 – Local service
URL URL to which the message needs to be forwarded
Timeout in seconds Seconds before a timeout is detected. Default value is 20.
Sign content Check this box if the message needs to be signed
Use client auth Check this box if authentication through a certificate is required
Client certificate thumbprint Optional if Use client auth is true: fill in the client certificate thumbprint which is used for authentication

Note: If a certificate is used for authentication, then that certificate needs to be installed on the EUCARIS server(s).

The user that is running the EUCARIS application pools needs to have access to (the private key of) the certificate.


After creating the endpoint, the endpoint usage needs to be created with the following values:

Participant This should be your own countrycode
Message service Select the Messageservice* to which the local data service applies.
Endpoint Select the earlier created endpoint
Context 3 – Local data service


After applying the changes, the configuration of the local data service for the selected Message service is done.