Information on CBE service delivery Sweden
Functional Contact:
Technical Contact:
Main characteristics of the Swedish vehicle register:
- In Sweden, license plates are registered to a vehicle and not to the holder/owner.
- If the ownership of the vehicle changes, the ownership of the license plate also changes.
- For special plates (personal plates), the plate is registered to the owner as well as the vehicle. For special plates, the tie to the vehicle automatically ceases to exist when the vehicle changes ownership. The ownership of the special plate does not change owner but the special plate becomes inactive.
- The Swedish license plate does not contain a regional code.
- The Swedish register will always return holder and owner data.
- The historic data only concerns only owner/holder information. For vehicle historic data about signals/state is available (If the vehicle is reported stolen, registration suspended etc.) Information about technical data on the vehicle is always non historical.
- It is possible to purchase a personalized number plate in Sweden. The personalized plate is tied to a vehicle. Therefore it is not effected by if the owner/holder purchases another vehicle. If a vehicle that is tied to a personal plate is sold, the personalized plate automatically becomes inactive.
- The following vehicles are stored in the Swedish register: Cars, busses, trucks, agricultural vehicles, mopeds, motorcycles, snow mobiles, trailers, terrain vehicles.
- The following types of license plates are stored in the Swedish register: Normal, diplomatic, taxi, personalized, plates for traders of motor vehicles, temporary plates.
- If a vehicle is stolen or has stolen plates, no vehicle or owner/holder information is exchanged. Instead message 111 ‘Information not disclosed‘ is shown with information that the vehicle/plate is stolen.
Additional Information:
- Sweden will not be sending multiple requests and only use the CBE single requests.
- The mean response time of a CBEMultipleOHByRegNumAndDate-message will be within 24 hours.
- The scheduled time that Sweden will respond to multiple requests will be between 01.00 to 07.00.
- Sweden will exclusively use the code 1 – Speeding, until further notice.
- Since they will only be using sCBE Sweden does not expect to send a huge amount of requests.
Data Overview (Restricted access)